Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Activity 1 1-12-11 Scientific Method

Talk about process regarding car that doesn't start, what do you do?
This is a somewhat ironic question considering I just had some trouble fixed with my car and a couple more things to get done yet. First, because I do not know much about vehicles, usually when something goes wrong with my car I call my brother or a guy that knows what may possibly be wrong with it. I would try and describe to him what exactly the car is doing and the noise it is making. I know that sometimes your car may not start because your battery may be dead, so I would check if maybe I left a light on or something and that may be the problem. If so I would need jumper cables and someone to help me jump start my car. Next, I might check fluid levels (I have no idea if that would cause your car to not start or not, but it could be a possibility to me). If I had maybe run out of gas that could be a solution to the problem. Maybe oil levels, radiator fluid, etc. were low also. If we couldn't figure it out, it would have to be taken in and put on diagnostics from professionals.

What is the Scientific Method, explain the process and steps?
The Scientific Method id a step by step process one takes in order to figure out the problem and the solution. There are 4 basic steps involved in the Scientific Method: 1) Observation and description of the phenomena or a group of the phenomena, 2) formulation of a hypothesis to explain the phenomena, 3) use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict results of new observations, and 4) performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters. During the process of the Scientific Method, experiments may lead to the resolution or to other factors that may be included in the problem. Along with the 4 basic steps, one may also begin by asking a question, doing some background research, and constructing a hypothesis. Then, by testing the hypothesis and analyzing the data you can draw a conclusion and report your results.

Relate the scientific process to the experiment that you performed on surfaces and liquids.
The scientific method relates to the experiments because we were creating a process that came to conclusions. We used different steps and different techniques in order to come to different conclusions.

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