Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Activity 1 1-11-11 How do I learn?

Describe something that you have learned.

When I was 5 years old I began taking baton twirling lessons. I really enjoyed learning how to twirl baton and was fairly good at what I did. I especially liked twirling baton because it was something different that nobody else really did or heard of. I was able to travel with my group at a young age and was in every 4th of July parade in my hometown. It brought a lot of experience for me as a child and connected me with many different social networks. I still enjoy to twirl baton for others. Many people are amazed at it. I have not take lessons for some time now, but I will never forget how to do it.

How did that process occur?

The process of learning how to twirl baton was a slow and steady one. It took a lot of practice and patience. I don't know how many times that thing hit my head!!! But I never gave up. I just picked it up and continued practicing. During the Indy 500 of 1995, I was fortunate enough to twirl my baton in the parade on the track before the race. I was super excited and the youngest of about 20 kids. And I remember dropping my baton once on the track during the show, but I did not let it discourage me. Again, I just picked it up and continued on. It was definitely a process of "if at first you don't succeed, try try again."

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